Words of Hope

During National Cancer Survivors Month, we celebrate the strength and resilience of cancer survivors everywhere and offer our support to those still in the fight.

At the South Sound Care Foundation, we believe in the transformative power of community and shared experiences to inspire and uplift. With the steadfast support of loved ones, our community, and our dedicated CARE team and medical partners, patients in our communities and beyond can find comfort and connection in knowing they are not alone.

Whether you're currently navigating treatment, celebrating remission, or seeking ways to support a loved one, we invite you to glean wisdom, encouragement, and strength in the messages shared by cherished CARE patients and survivors:

"My life has changed; I think for the better. I realized that every day is a gift and each moment counts." - Georgia, Former CARE Patient, Cancer Survivor

“Educating yourself is key, mammograms and early detection are key, listening to your body is key.” - Shannon, CARE Patient

“I’ve learned that life is precious. It can change at any time. We are all a little more thankful for the sunshine and the good days that we have.” - Annie, CARE Patient

“Cancer has taught me that leaning on others is a sign of strength not weakness. Having a disability means living a life redefined and slowing down is okay.” - Julie, CARE Patient

"You have to be your own advocate. Follow your instincts, listen to your heart—you know your body best." - Tabatha, CARE Patient

“Make every day a good day. Rather than focus on the loss, I focus on how I can fill my time with meaningful things.” - Kristina, CARE Patient

“I’m very dependent upon hope. I really thrive on optimism and am glad to have that.” - Adeline, CARE Patient

“When you meet someone on the street who has breast cancer, keep in mind that everyday woman are still dying from this terrible disease and that supporting those woman by listening to their stories, doing a little research yourself or just being in their presence without judgment and out of love—this is what cures the things that treatment will not.”  - Shannon, CARE patient

“Cancer can be a daunting diagnosis but there are blessings within that. There is a bond among survivors and by telling your story you can make new friends and understand what someone else in this position might need or want. I’ve learned that listening, being present, offering support, calls, and cards are all helpful ways to support someone fighting cancer. It’s also helpful to do research and share that research.” - Carolyn, Cancer Survivor, CARE Board Member

These messages are a testament to the resilience and hope that define our community. They remind us that, together, we can face any challenge. If you’re a cancer patient, remember that you are not alone—you have a community of supporters who CARE.

Thank you to all our patients for sharing your words of encouragement and for being a source of inspiration to others.

The South Sound Care Foundation

Erica Stupfel

e*design Creative Services specializes in making professional design available to small companies and individuals. I understand the importance in brand identity and how a positive visual representation of your product or service can make the difference between success and failure. Your ideas and vision combined with my marketing and design expertise will be a sure success story.


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